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I have completed several vision boards on my own but had never experienced creating one in a group. I’d been invited to a few Vision Board parties but I normally had a scheduling conflict and just simply wasn’t be able to attend. That is until 2016 when I attended my first Vision Board party. I arrived and there were stacks and stacks of magazines, scissors, glue and blank poster boards ready to receive the hopes, dreams, and desires I was able to find within the pages of the discarded periodicals.
After receiving instructions from the host, I set out to become inspired by the words and images around me. I met several people and listened to their business ideas and plans. I cut out several words and images but by the end of the experience, I hadn’t placed anything on the board. I committed that I would complete it on my own but I never did. On January 1, 2018, I decided to write in my journal only to find that on several pages, I had placed words of inspiration and images that I had cut from magazines. Funny thing is, I didn’t remember doing this. Then it hit me, take the “board” out of the vision board experience. In making a Vision Journal, you create a mobile book of inspiration.
Inspiration is all around you! Rather found in a quote online or in the pages of a magazine.
❖ Cut out images, words, or quotes.
❖ Use tape or a glue stick to place the image in your journal.
❖ Decide where to place the image – top, bottom, center of the page.
❖ Write a journal entry and include your thoughts about the image you placed on the page.
❖ Write about any experience you have that you are inspired to document.
❖Use the space on pages 8-9 to create a collage of your dreams, goals, and plans. Share your collage on your social media pages.
❖Be sure to tag Roses and Thorns.
❖Be Inspired! Be Creative! Dream BIG!
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